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Abstract #0305

Value of diffusion-weighted images in ovarian tumors

Fujii S, Koyama T, Umeoka S, Saga T, Tamai K, Togashi K
Kyoto University, School of Medicine

The purpose of this study was to investigate value of DWI for detecting ovarian tumors, peritoneal implants, and metastatic lymphadenopathy and for differentiating benignancy and malignancy. In our series of 33 patients with surgically confirmed ovarian tumors, T2WI and fusion images with DWI were evaluated regarding the presence of abnormal intensity, peritoneal implants and lymphadenopathy. Abnormal signal was observed in all ovarian cancers. However, benign endometrial cysts and dermoid cyst also showed high intensity on DWI. Fusion image with DWI was superior to T2WI in demonstrating peritoneal implants and metastatic lymphadenopathy.