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Abstract #0965

Cerebral MR angiography in mice with a new blood pool agent (P792)

El Tannir El Tayara N, Walczak C, Volk A, Dhenain M
Institut Curie

In this study, we evaluated a new blood pool agent, the P792 (Vistarem, Guerbet France), to perform cerebral angiography in mice. Angiograms acquired at 4.7T after injection of P792 were compared to Time of Flight (TOF) images and to those acquired after injection of Gd-Dota (Dotarem, Guerbet, France). P792 allowed visualization of the venous vasculature in addition to the arterial vasculature already identified on TOF images. Angiograms reconstructed after head tissue removal were very similar with Gd-Dota and P792, as the number of displayed vessels was not increased.