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Abstract #1108

Decrease in CMRO2 for Memory-Encoding Tasks in the Hippocampus of Mild Cognitive Impairment Subjects

Xu G, Wu G, Xu Y, Li S
Medical College of WI

It has been shown that the cerebral metabolism rate of oxygenation (CMRO2) changes could be derived by combined measurements of BOLD and CBF changes. Because the CMRO2 change could directly indicate localized neuronal activities, it is hypothesized that the CMRO2 changes would be a better biomarker to distinguish normal elderly individuals and mild cognitive impaired subjects. In the present study, regional CMRO2 changes induced by the memory-encoding task in hippocampus were obtained. The CMRO2 changes not only were significantly different between the normal elderly group and MCI group, but also significantly correlated with RAVL memory scores.