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Abstract #1272

Transmembrane pH gradients in tumor cells: observations using 19F NMR of promising new reporter molecules

Peschke p, Haberkorn u, Liu l, Mason r, Cui w

We have been developing novel pH indicators and report progress in the development of useful 19F NMR reporter molecules. We had shown that 6-fluoropyridoxol (FPOL) could be used to measure transmembrane pH gradients in whole blood and perfused hearts. 6-fluoropyridoxamine (FPAM) is a close analog of FPOL and has a large chemical shift response to pH and a pKa = 7.05. Like FPOL, FPAM shows two signals in whole blood and perfused hearts. Unlike FPOL, FPAM shows two signals in cultures of several types of mammalian cells, suggesting it can be useful for investigating transmembrane pH gradients.