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Abstract #1460

MR imaging of rat monocytes homing towards an area of cerebral infarction

de Vries H, van der Pol S, Blezer E, Oude Engberink R, Hoff E
VU Medical Center

This work describes MR tracking of rat monocytes migrating towards an area of tissue damage in an animal model for cerebral infarctions (photothrombosis). A frequently used method, intravenous administration of ultra small superparamagnetic particles of iron oxides (USPIO), is compared to a more specific method of transplantation of pre-labeled monocytes containing SPIOs. 5 days after induction of the infarct animals are transplanted iv either with USPIOs or SPIO-labeled monocytes. T2*W imaging is performed before, 24h and 72h after transplantation. Results indicate that monitoring pre-labeled monocytes may be a better tool to study macrophage activity in brain inflammation.