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Abstract #1963

High-resolution 3-D imaging of chronic total occlusions in peripheral vessels using a T-1 weighted Turbo Spin Echo sequence with inner volume imaging

Lederman R, McVeigh E, Raval A, Sampath S
Cardiovascular branch, Division of Intramural Research, NHLBI, NIH, DHHS

Peripheral arteries are challenging to maneuver during X-ray guided recanalizations due to the absence of a lumen to hold contrast agents and the tortuous nature of the vessels. In this abstract, we investigate the use of a T1-weighted high-resolution 3-D Turbo Spin Echo MRI pulse sequence in combination with inner volume imaging to image and characterize occluded arteries within a reasonable clinical acquisition time of around 5-10 minutes with adequate signal-to-noise ratios at 1.5T with a view toward practical percutaneous X-ray revascularization.