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Abstract #2284

RF Power Optimization for 3D-MRCP Allows Breath Hold Acquistion at 3T

Gai N, Busse R, Schaefer D
GE Healthcare

Three-dimensional fast-recovery fast spin echo (3D-FR-FSE) has been demonstrated in previous studies to enable high-resolution thin-slice MR Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) with higher SNR and greater anatomic detail than comparable 2D single-shot fast spin echo (SSFSE) acquisitions. While at 1.5T, the TR may be short enough to acquire a 3D dataset in a breath hold when coupled with parallel imaging, regulatory limits on SAR (specific absorption rate, a measure of patient RF heating) make this more challenging at 3T. We have developed a SAR-burst scan that more effectively takes advantages of the higher short-term (10-second-average) limit on SAR level while ensuring that the lower long-term (6-minute-average) limit is met as well. Additionally, the refocusing flip angle is automatically adjusted based on prescription parameters and patient weight to fully utilize available RF power while maintaining high SNR. These optimizations allow 3D-MRCP data to be acquired during a single breath hold at 3T with b