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Abstract #2310

Can DCE-MRI predict the nature of ovarian tumors ?A correlation between DCE-MRI and angiogenesis biomarkers.

Thomassin-Naggara i, Bazot M, Darai E, Marsault C, Cuenod C, Callard P
Laboratoire de recherche en imagerie de la facult Necker, Service de radiologie de l'Hopital Tenon

Purpose: To determine whether dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MR) enhancement parameters are associated with angiogenesis markers in order to determine nature of epithelial ovarian tumors.Materials and methods: Forty one patients with epithelial ovarian tumors underwent DCE-MR following by surgical excision and CD 34, anti-alpha smooth actin and VEGFR-2 staining in all lesions (12 benign, 13 borderline and 16 malignant tumours).Results: The myometrium smooth muscle has a typical enhancement curve with a much steeper rise and higher peak than skeletal muscles. There was a significant higher amplitude and faster enhancement of malignant compared to borderline and benign tumors.Benign tumors have a weaker slope of enhancement than borderline and borderline than malignant which have an intensive slope of enhancement.The enhancement amplitude was correlated with total capillary surface, and the slope of raising with weak pericyte coverage index and high VEGFR-2 expression. There was no correlation