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Abstract #2595

4T Actively-Detunable Double-Tuned 1H/31P TEM Head Volume Coil and Four-Channel 31P Phased Array for Human Brain Spectroscopy

Avdievich N, Hetherington H
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Gruss MRRC

Typically 31P spectroscopic studies are limited by SNR considerations. Although phased arrays can improve the SNR; to date 31P phased arrays for high-field systems have not been combined with 31P volume transmit coils. Additionally, to provide anatomical reference for the 31P studies, without removal of the coil or patient from the magnet, double-tuning (31P/ 1H) of the volume coil is required. An actively detunable 31P/1H TEM volume transmit/ four-channel 31P phased array was developed for 4T MRSI of the human brain. The coil can be used either in volume-transmit/array-receive mode or in TEM transmit/receive mode with the array detuned.