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Abstract #3327

MR Imaging and Three-dimensional H-1 MR Spectroscopic Imaging for Recrudescence of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms after Transurethral Resection of the Prostate

zhou l, Peng W, Wang X, Jiang X
cancer hospiatal of shanghai

14 cases of post-TURP patients with LUTS caused by prostatic disease; including 8 cases of Pca, 5 of BPH, and 1 of transitional cell carcinoma of prostatic urethra confirmed by histopathology of operation or biopsy were evaluated by MRI & three-dimensional H-1 MR spectroscopic imaging (3D 1H MRSI).The length the widened prostatic urethra and the width of the inner outlet of bladder of the LUTS team were statistically shorter than those of the compared team.The average ratios of Cho+Cre/Cit in the regions of cancer (2.210.79) were statistically higher than those of the normal prostate tissue.The results of this study demonstrated that MRI possesses the capability to observe the related changes of prostate and the prostatic urethra after TURP. A relatively high accuracy can be achieved by using MRI and 3D 1H MRSI to diagnose the recrudescence of LUTS caused by residual or recurrent disease of prostate after TURP.