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Abstract #3441

Moyamoya Disease: Histogram-Based Quantitative Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging

Mori N, Miki Y, Fushimi Y, Okada T, Kitamura E, Hanakawa T, Urayama S, Hashimoto N, Fukuyama H, Togashi K, Kikuta K
Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine

Whole brain histogram (WBH) of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) (WBH-DTI) has been applied for quantitative analysis of various neurological disorders. We analyzed WBHs-DTI of ischemic moyamoya disease (MMD) and of normal control using 3T MRI. MMD with evident infarction (EI) showed significant difference in WBH-DTI, and MMD without EI showed significant difference only in the bin analysis of WBH of fractional anisotropy (FA) (WBH-FA), compared with normal control. WBH-DTI was shown as feasible analytic tool in ischemic MMD, and the WBH-FA might promisingly detect subtle ischemic damage in brain tissue before the advent of EI in conventional imaging.