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Abstract #3797

Eddy Current Corrections for Phase Contrast MRI Using Gradient Calibration

Kevin Michael Johnson1, Darren Lum2, Oliver Wieben1

1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, USA; 2Radiology, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, USA

This study investigates a thin slice gradient calibration scheme to correct for otherwise uncompensated phase errors in quantitative MR velocity mapping caused by eddy currents and gradient imperfections. A short calibration pre-scan was introduced into radial and Cartesian PC sequences to predict the phase errors that occur during scanning so they can be corrected for during the reconstruction process. In phantom evaluations, these corrections significantly reduced linear phase offset errors caused by gradient deviations. In-vivo measurements of Qp/Qs ratios in healthy volunteers showed improved consistency between the measurements and physiologically expected values when the correction scheme was used.