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Abstract #1391

3D HR-MRI at 3T for Dedicated Visualization of In-Vivo Locoregional Deformation Pattern of the Knee Cartilage for Cartilage Contact Areas in Different Work-Related Flexion Postures

Annie Horng1, Jos Raya2, Monika Zscharn1, Ulrike Hoehne-Hueckstaedt3, Ulrich Glitsch3, Rolf Ellegast3, Kurt Georg Hering4, Maximilian F. Reiser1, Christian Glaser1

1Department of Clinical Radiology, University Hospitals LMU Munich Campus Grosshadern, Munich, Bavaria, Germany; 2Center of Biomedical Imaging, New York University Medical Hospital, New York, United States; 3Fachbereich 4, Institut fr Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung, St. Augustin, Germany; 4Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Knappschaftskrankenhaus, Dortmund, Germany

Cartilage strain is considered a potential cause for degeneration and osteoarthritis. 3D-HR-MRI was utilized and proved able to evaluate the dimension and distribution of cartilage deformation in the knee joint after different standardized flexion exercises. The deformation pattern was similar for the excercises, possibly a consequence of mutual knee flexion over 90. Specific patterns were visible for squatting and knee bends possibly due to higher flexion grade in the former and dynamic movement character in the latter. The data may support the understanding of individual knee kinematics and contribute to improvement and validation of biomechanical models for the knee.