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Abstract #1809

Decreased Basal Ganglia Neuronal Metabolism and Perfusion of Patients with Chronic Symptoms Following a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.

Brenda Bartnik Olson1, Harrison Wang1, Sarah Uffindell2, Stephen Ashwal3, Valarie Wong4, Karen Tong1, Barbara Holshouser1

1Radiology, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, United States; 2Neurology, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA; 3Pediatric Neurology, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA; 4Redlands Pediatric and Adult Medicine, Redlands, CA

Approximately 80% of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are classified as mild with persistent deficits occurring in ~50-80%. Using 3D magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging and DSC-perfusion weighted imaging we demonstrate decreased NAA/Cr and cerebral blood flow in multiple brain regions in a population of mild TBI patients with persistent symptoms. In the basal ganglia, the percentage of voxels with decreased NAA strongly correlate to the decrease in CBF. These findings may reflect decreased neuronal activity or a reduction in neuronal volume and could suggest a role for basal ganglia dysfunction in the pathophysiology of persistent deficits following a mild TBI.