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Abstract #2013

31P-Spectroscopy on Humans at 9.4 T in Combination with a Patch Antenna for Proton Imaging: Initial Results

Morteza Bakhtiary1, Gunamony Shajan1, Jens Hoffmann1, Klaus Scheffler1, 2, Rolf Pohmann1

1Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tbingen, BW, Germany; 2Department for Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, University of Tbingen, Tbingen, BW, Germany

Due to its low sensitivity, 31P spectroscopy can gain particularly from ultra high field strength. To demonstrate the potential of 31P in 9.4 T human applications, spectra from the calf and the brain of human subjects were acquired, using either a surface or a birdcage coil for phosphorus transmission and reception, combined with a proton traveling wave antenna for localization and shimming. First results show promising SNR and spectral quality.