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Abstract #3201

The Influence of Imaging Gradients in the Analysis of Diffusion Signals from Pulsed and Oscillating Gradient Sequences

Damien McHugh1, 2, Penny L. Hubbard1, 2, Geoffrey Parker1, 2, Josephine H. Naish1, 2

1Centre for Imaging Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom; 2The University of Manchester Biomedical Imaging Institute, Manchester, United Kingdom

The effect that imaging gradients have on b-values in oscillating and pulsed gradient diffusion sequences are compared. The impact this has on parameters obtained from model fitting is then evaluated using synthetic data from three models: monoexponential decay, biexponential decay, and the kurtosis model. It is shown that the diffusion-weighting introduced by imaging gradients in oscillating gradient sequences has little impact on parameter estimates for each model. Conversely, ignoring the influence of imaging gradients in pulsed gradient sequences is shown to lead to significant errors in fitted parameters, especially for the biexponential model.