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Abstract #0343

3D myofiber reconstruction from in vivo cardiac DTI data through extraction of low rank modes

Martin Genet 1 , Constantin von Deuster 1,2 , Christian T Stoeck 1,2 , and Sebastian Kozerke 1,2

1 Institut for Biomedical Engineering, ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland, 2 Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, KCL, London, United Kingdom

Recent advances in cardiac diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) have enabled robust imaging of the in-vivo human heart, allowing the non-invasive assessement of myofiber and myosheet orientations. However, in view of the relatively low scan efficiency and scan time constraints in-vivo, cardiac coverage and signal-to-noise ratio are limited. The objective of the present work is to develop an approach to (i) extract the most significant features from noisy myofiber and myosheet angle maps measured with in-vivo DTI, and (ii) extrapolate the data across the entire left ventricle based on a limited number of acquired short-axis views.

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