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Abstract #4088

2D UTE BH lung ventilation imaging at 3T – influence of the repetition time

Anke Balasch1, Patrick Metze1, Kilian Stumpf1, Tobias Speidel2, and Volker Rasche1

1Department of Internal Medicine II, Ulm University Medical Center, Ulm, Germany, 2AG Experimental Cardiovascular Imaging (ExCaVI), University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany

In this study a two-dimensional ultra-short TE protocol was used to get breath holding (expiration and inspiration) images. It was investigated whether resulting SNR and ventilation and proton density maps can be improved by optimization the TR under given breathhold constraints for multi-slice single breathhold lung imaging. Even though the SNR in the resulting images can clearly be improved by performing an interleaved multi-slice acquisition instead of acquiring slices sub-sequentially, the impact on the resulting parameter maps was not obvious.

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