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Abstract #2991

A Large FOV 3.0T 16Ch Highly Flexible Array for Body 13C Metabolic Imaging Studies. 

Dashen Chu1, Bahareh Behzadnezhad2,3, Scott Lindsay1, Victor Taracila2, Galen Reed4, Albert Chen2, Robert Stormont1, and Fraser Robb2
1GE Healthcare, Inc, Waukesha, WI, United States, 2GE Healthcare, Inc, Aurora, OH, United States, 3University of Wisconsin (Madison), Madison, WI, United States, 4GE Healthcare, Inc, Dallas, TX, United States

Over the last decade, there has been a move toward ultra-flexible conformal coil technology. Similar to flexible H1 coils, there is an interest in developing multi-nuclear coil arrays that are more conformal to human anatomy with highly decoupled elements. In this work, we demonstrate a highly flexible 13C coil array with highly decoupled elements, showing significant improvements in SNR

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