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Abstract #0204

Application of graph theory across multiple frequency bands in obsessive-compulsive disorder

Xue Li1, Hailong Li2, Lingxiao Cao2, Jing Liu2, Haoyang Xing1, and Xiaoqi Huang2
1Department of Physics, Sichuan university, chengdu, China, 2Huaxi Magnetic Resonance Research Centre (HMRRC), West China Hospital of Sichuan University, chengdu, China

Graph theoretical approaches across multiple frequency bands were adopted to investigate whether there exist specific frequency band-related changes of brain functional connectome in OCD patients. We found significant between-group differences of global metrics only at slow-3 band (.074–0.198 Hz), On local metrics, we observed a frequency-dependent characteristic. The results suggested that multiband measurement indeed provided some new insight about the nature of brain functional connectome changes in OCD, future studies should take the different frequency bands into account when measure brain’s spontaneous activity.

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