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Abstract #1983

Ultrahigh-field echo-planar spectroscopic imaging with semi-adiabatic spatial-spectral pulses

Gaurav Verma1, Rebecca Emily Feldman2, and Priti Balchandani1
1Radiology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States, 2Medical Physics, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC, Canada

An echo-planar spectroscopic imaging sequence has been demonstrated incorporating semi-adiabatic band-limited refocusing (SABRE) pulses. The sequence simultaneously addresses two major obstacles to the implementation of high-resolution spectroscopic imaging at ultrahigh field: presence of B1 field inhomogeneity and aliasing due to bandwidth limitation in the spectral-spatial readout. Both bi-polar and flyback variants of the EPSI readout have been implemented in a user-selectable manner. An accompanying Matlab-based reconstruction has been developed which performs extraction and complete processing from raw data including eddy current compensation, phase reversal of even echoes in the bi-polar readout and removal of spurious points acquired during gradient switching.

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