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Abstract #2213

Utility of Residual Water in Proton MR Spectroscopy. The Measurement of Voxel Temperature and Hypoxia

Ralph E. Hurd1, Meng Gu1, Phil Adamson2, Kirk Riemer3, Ryan Beckman3, Michael Ma3, Kenichi Okamura3, Frank Hanley3, and Daniel Spielman1
1Radiology, Stanford, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Electrical Engineering, Stanford, Stanford, CA, United States, 3Cardiothoracic Surgery, Stanford, Stanford, CA, United States

The basic mantra for in vivo MR spectroscopy is to look beyond the dominant water and lipid signals. Although water is very well characterized by MRI, partially suppressed water can provide unique information in proton MR spectra. In the results presented, residual water-by-design strategy is demonstrated to extend beyond use as a reference. For the protocol described, water derived measurements of temperature and hypoxia, add critical value at no compromise.

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