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Abstract #0980

Probing complex morphologies at decreasing diffusion times using Diffusion-weighted MR Spectroscopy

Nathalie Just1, Samo Lasič2,3, Ditte Bentsen Christensen4, Julien Valette5, Tim Dyrby2,6, Hartwig Siebner2, and Henrik Lundell2
1Danish Research Center for Magnetic Resonance, Copenhagen University Hospital - Amager and Hvidovre, Hvidovre, Denmark, 2Danish Research Center for Magnetic Resonance, Copenhagen University Hospital Amager and Hvidovre, Hvidovre, Denmark, 3Random Walk Imaging, Lund, Sweden, 4HYPERMAG, DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark, 5MIRCen, Commissariat à l' energie atomique et aux Energies Alternatives, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 6Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark


Metabolite diffusion provide the unique ability to study the intracellular environment of specific cell types of the brain. Multiple studies suggest that the diffusivity along dendrites and axons is time dependent due to variations in diameter. We explore the signal due to such effects in Monte Carlo simulations in settings feasible for preclinical PGSE measurements and find that time dependent kurtosis, but not diffusivity provide the most potent source of contrast to this effect. We observe similar effects of intraneuronal NAA diffusion in rat.

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