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Abstract #1489

Meniscal deformation MRI study using knee joint axial loading device and finite-element-model

Sandeep Panwar Jogi1, Rafeek Thaha1, Sriram Rajan2, Vidur Mahajan2, Vasantha Kumar Venugopal2, Amit Mehndiratta1,3, and Anup Singh1,3
1Center for Biomedical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, 2Mahajan Imaging Center, Delhi, India, 3Center for Biomedical Engineering, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi, India


The meniscal-extrusion may disturb the stability of the knee-joint, and depicts laxity in the meniscal-hoops. The degraded meniscal site usually show changes in the MR images (T1, T2, and Proton-Density-weighted images). However, the laxity of a specific meniscal segment and its effect on adjacent segment’s deformation is unknown. The current study attempt to address this problem using MRI data (with and without loading) and a finite-element-model. Each meniscal-hoop’s (lateral and medial) lengths, thickness, and meniscus-extrusion was measured to evaluate load-bearing changes. Medial meniscus hoop’s Anterior-meniscal-length(ML), Posterior-ML, Central-ML, and meniscus-extrusion show substantial change(>5%) during load.

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