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Abstract #1504

Isometric Contractions of the Quadriceps muscle: Strain and Strain Tensor Mapping using Velocity Encoded Phase Contrast Imaging.

Shantanu Sinha1, Ryan Hernandez2, Vadim Malis1, T Oda3, and Usha Sinha2
1Radiology, UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States, 2Physics, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, United States, 3Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Kato, Hyogo, Japan


The quadriceps muscle plays an extremely critical role in various aspects of human locomotion. Changes in its function from various disease such as aging, muscular disuse or modified gait can degrade mobility. VE-PC imaging provides a convenient way to study muscle motion and assess the relative contribution of the thigh muscles to force production. This study is focused on deriving the strain and strain rate tensors to explore patterns along the fiber direction and cross-section. We were able to successfully obtain strain tensor images as well as to follow the temporal variation of these indices in different muscle compartments.

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