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Abstract #1617

SPEN, RESOLVE and Spin-Echo EPI at 7T: A single-Tx human brain scan comparison

Martins Otikovs1 and Lucio Frydman1,2
1Department of Chemical and Biological Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 2Azrieli National Center for Brain Imaging, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel


Spatiotemporal encoding (SPEN) is an ultrafast imaging technique, that can serve as useful alternative to single shot and to read-out segmented (RESOLVE) spin-echo (SE) EPI methods, when trying to overcome image distortions due to magnetic field (B0) inhomogeneities. SPEN’s reliance on adiabatic sweeps could also make it an attractive candidate for imaging at high fields, and overcoming B1+-related inhomogeneities. Herein we present phantom and in-vivo results acquired on a 7T human imaging system for single and multi-shot SPEN acquisitions, corroborating its robustness vs comparable single and multi-shot SE-EPI and RESOLVE acquisitions implemented on a single-Tx configuration.

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