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Abstract #2504

Estimation of cellular water exchange rate, intracellular volume fraction and longitudinal relaxation time in cancer cells

Karl Kiser1, Jin Zhang1, and Gene Kim1
1Radiology, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, United States


The T1 recovery curves of cells may be sensitized to water exchange when suspended in solution with gadolinium-based contrast agent. The non-monoexponential recovery curves are fitted to a two-site exchange model to estimate the water exchange rate. This estimation process requires the inclusion of relevant parameters such as volume mol fraction and intracellular relaxation time, cannot be accurately estimated from a single curve. Here, we propose a multiple curve fitting approach, which infuses the model with additional information. By modelling multiple recovery curves of samples in a titration of GBCAs, we demonstrate an accurate and robust method for measuring invitro water exchange, volume mol fractions and intracellular relaxation rate.
The T1 recovery curves of cells may be sensitized to water exchange across the cell membrane when suspended in solution with gadolinium-based contrast agent. The two-compartment model fitting requires the inclusion of relevant parameters such as volume mol fraction and intracellular relaxation time but cannot be accurately estimated from a single curve. Here, we propose a multiple curve fitting approach, which infuses the model with additional information. By modelling multiple recovery curves of samples in a titration of GBCAs, we demonstrate an accurate and robust method for measuring invitro water exchange, cell volume and intracellular relaxation rate.

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