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Abstract #3085

The diagnostic value of dynamic contrast enhancement (DCE-MR) and ZOOmitDWI quantitative parameters for the activity of sacroiliac arthritis

Qingqing Zhu1 and Mengxiao Liu2
1department of radiology, Zhejiang University School of Medicine Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, Hangzhou, China, 2MR scientific Marketing, Diagnostic Imaging, Siemens Healthineers Ltd, Shanghai, China


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between magnetic resonance dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging and quantitative parameters of the ZOOMit-DWI technique and the activity of sacroiliac arthritis. Dynamic enhanced MRI microvascular permeability parameters can visually reflect the microcirculatory perfusion status of the subchondral bone marrow region of the sacroiliac joint, and its diagnostic efficacy is better than DWI-ADC. Sacral Ktrans values and sacral iAUC values are highly correlated with ASDAS-CRP scores, which can be used as important quantitative indicators for assessing the inflammatory activity of the sacroiliac joint.

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