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Abstract #4472

The influence of scanning order on whole-heart coronary MRA with multiple compressed sensing acceleration factors

guangzong su1, yang wu1, xiaojing ma1, dongsi shuang1, ting peng1, haixia li2, and peng sun3
1Wuhan Asia general Hospital, WuHan HUBEI, China, 2Philips Healthcare,wuhan, WuHan HUBEI, China, 3Philips Healthcare,Beijing, Beijing, China


Compressed sensing (CS) is a novel magnetic resonance imaging technique to accelerate scanning under the premise of ensuring image quality. Whole-heart coronary MRA with CS technique can assess coronary artery lesions. However, the image quality is still sensitive to many factors. In this study, we demonstrated that there were statistical differences in parts of image quality with different scan orders when using CS AF of 6, where the scanning at the late stage of examinations showed high image quality. It might be the optimal choice to start coronary MRA scanning later in cardiac MRI practice.

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