(ISMRM 2006) Evaluation of SNR Performance and Utility of High Spatial and Angular Resolution Denoised 1mm3 Isotropic DTI of Entire Human Brain at 3.0 T
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Abstract #0344

Evaluation of SNR Performance and Utility of High Spatial and Angular Resolution Denoised 1mm3 Isotropic DTI of Entire Human Brain at 3.0 T

Hasan K, Rodenacker K, Hahn K
University of Texas Medical Scool

In vivo application of quantitative DTI methods to study the contributors to the healthy developing and diseased tissue anisotropy is limiteddue to the selection of large voxels that excerbate the partial volume artifacts of gray matter and CSF even on large compact structures such as the corpus callosum. In vivo studies of healthy and diseased structures such as the prostate, cortex, cerebellum, optic nerve and spinal cord generally demand high spatial resolution. In this work we demonstarte and validate the SNR performance and time efficiency of human brain data acquired at 3.0 T using 1mmx1mmx1mm true isotropic resolution without replicated averaging or interpolation. The acquisition uses a multi faceted high angular resolution alternating polarity icosahedral scheme and the data are denoised using a recently described procedure. The results in both whie and gray matter demonstarte the advanatge of this acquisition-processing strategy over the time consuming replicated averaging choice.


spatialnonlinearabilityacquisitionangularbraincorticaldiffusionfibergraynoisenoisyresolutionstructureswhiteanisotropyappliedcorpuscortexencodingentireisotropicperformanceprocessingaveragingboundariesclearlyenhancefilteringhumaninterpolationprotocolsamplingschemesegmentstudiestissuetrueaccuracyalternatingbalancedcombinationcompactcorddescribeddesigneddevelopingdiseasedefficiencyelsewhereencodedexpectedfiltergenerallygradienthealthyin vivo