Abstract #0487
Measurement of Heterogeneous Distribution of GABA in Gray and White Matters in the Human Brain using Selective Multiple Quantum Chemical Shift Imaging of GABA
Lee S, Choi I, Merkle H, Shen J
University of Kansas Medical Center, The Nathan Kline Institute
In vivo assessment of heterogeneous distribution of GABA in the human brain is fraught with technical challenges. We developed a selective multiple quantum GABA CSI technique based on a two-echo acquisition scheme for simultaneous measurement of GABA and creatine. The simultaneously measured creatine served as concentration and phase references, providing more robust GABA measurements. Throughout the entire GABA CSI slice, contamination from overlapping signals was minimized. It was found that GABA is about three-fold more concentrated in gray matter than white matter in the human brain in vivo.