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Abstract #0815

Effect of Normal Aging in the Flows of the Cerebral Blood and the Cerebro-Spinal Fluid.

baledent o, stoquart el sankari S, gondry-jouet c, makki m, meyer m

We investigated the age effect on the dynamic of normal brain by quantifying flows and volumes of cerebral blood (CB), and cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF). We studied 31 healthy adults, 19 young persons (274 years) and 12 elderly persons (719 years) using Phase-Contrast MRI. Within the elderly population we found a significant decrease of the CSF stroke volume at the level of the aqueduct and cervical spaces and a significant decrease of CB flow compared that of the young group. These findings are useful to study neurologic pathologies related to aging such as hydrocephalus, Parkinson and Alzheimer diseases.
