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Abstract #1001

Rapid steady state T1 method for cerebral blood volume fraction mapping: sensitivity determination under hypercapnia

Perles-Barbacaru A, Lahrech H
INSERM, U594, Univ Grenoble 1

The sensitivity of the rapid steady state T1 method for measuring physiologic cerebral blood volume fraction (CBV) changes is demonstrated by means of hypercapnia experiments in healthy rats. The normocapnic CBV measured with this method is in the order of 3.3 % and the CBV reactivity to hypercapnia is about 1% of the normocapnic CBV value per mmHg PaCO2. For this study, P760 (an experimental Gd-contrast agent from Guerbet Laboratories) was used for its high r1-relaxivity, and it has been shown that the method works equally well with Gd-DOTA at 0.2 to 0.3 mmol/kg, doses well tolerated by human.