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Abstract #1231

Physiological Changes of Liver ADC values during Cardiac Cycle using DW-EPI

Umeda M, Tanaka C, Higuchi T, Watanabe Y, Kitamura M, Naruse S, Aoki I
Meiji University of Oriental Medicine

DWI with low b in X direction using single shot EPI was performed for the liver. The signal change of the left lobe was found to be dependent on the cardiac phase. The signal of the left lobe in DWI was decreased during the diastole. Cine mode gradient echo MRI showed that in this period the cardiac muscle exerts pressure on the left liver lobe and deforms it. This signal decrease might be driven from that tissue water, which was moved incoherently during the application of the MPG. This effect is important for the correct ADC measurement of the liver.