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Abstract #1552

Demonstration of direct and complete collateral compensation during carotid artery compression by MR flow monitoring

Seppenwoolde J, Hendrikse J, Streefkerk H, Bakker C, Hillen B
University Medical Center Utrecht

Using 2D phase contrast flow monitoring, this study demonstrates the ability of cerebral vasculature to compensate with direct, and on average- complete collateral compensation for a drop in perfusion pressure caused by a temporary occlusion of the one of the internal carotid arteries. In 15 healthy subjects, the average volume flow in the compressed ICA decreased with 4.88 ml/s to 0.15 ml/s. The average volume flow in the contralateral ICA increased with 3.27 ml/s to 8.96 ml/s and in the basilar artery with 1.92 ml/s to 4.46 ml/s.

