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Abstract #1573

Accuracy Evaluation of a First-Pass Pharmacokinetic Model (FPPM) for Simultaneous Mapping of Blood Volume and Microvascular Permeability in Brain Tumors

Chung H, Juan C, Chou M, Chen C, Liu H
National Taiwan University, Tri-Service General Hospital

For the purpose of simultaneously evaluating the cerebral blood volume and microvascular permeability, we implemented a currently developed first-pass pharmacokinetic model to investigate the accuracy of estimates from this model. A contrast concentration curve added with white Gaussian noise was simulated to assess the accuracy of this method. Our simulation shows that accurate measures of vascular plasma volume is produced which is free from the problem of overestimation from slow wash-out due to vessel tortuosity or second-pass transit, while Ktrans shows low tolerance of noise and kep seems inaccurate even at high SNR.