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Abstract #1936

Non- contrast- enhanced 3D SSFP versus contrast-enhanced MR angiography for imaging of heart and great arteries in the chest: Initial experience

Nael K, Laub G, Deshpande V, Krishnam M, Finn J, Ruehm S

We have evaluated the feasibility, reliability and clinical application of non contrast free breathing, 3D SSFP technique in the anatomical assessment of the heart, coronaries and thoracic great arteries and compared the results with CEMRA at 1.5T. Two investigators evaluated the SSFP and CEMRA for visibility, image quality, artifact of the heart and extra cardiac great vessels and coronary arteries. Stenoses and aneurysm of the great arteries were evaluated and compared between sequences. 3D SSFP technique is promising for the morphological evaluation of the heart, coronary arteries and extracardiac great vessels.