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Abstract #2376

Reducing Eddy Currents Artifacts for Self-Navigated Reconstruction in b-SSPF by Super-Segmented Acquisition

Hansen M, G. Hill D, Irarrazaval P, Uribe S, Boubertakh R, Razavi R, Muthurangu V
University College London

A common approach for self-navigated sequences in 3D cardiac imaging is to repeatedly acquire the center profile of k-space. This introduces large jumps in k-space, which produce eddy current artifacts in the images. In this work we developed a novel k-space ordering strategy which involves acquiring the center profile of k-space frequently while avoiding large jumps between each acquisition profile. The results show a marked reduction of eddy current artifacts in the images. Furthermore, this method is an alternative to the standard segmented acquisition, which also suffers from eddy current artifacts.
