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Abstract #2387

Real-Time Electrocardiogram Artifact Correction using a Finite Impulse Response Filter Signal Processing Method and Computer System

Abaecherli R, Vuissoz P, Pasquier C, Odille F, Zientara G, Felblinger J
Universit Henri Poincar; INSERM ERI 13, Schiller Mdical SAS

During MRI examinations, artifacts on electrophysiological waveforms (ECG, EEG, EMG) are still a problem for patient monitoring and triggering of acquisitions. A Finite Impulse Response filter method is applied to MR gradient switching induced artifact prediction from gradient waveforms. The predicted artifacts are subtracted from the corrupted ECG in real-time. Validation of the method is presented along with real-time implementation using a specially designed computer and electronics system. Real-time operation was demonstrated at 1 kHz with a delay of only 1 ms introduced by the correction, enabling further real-time processing such as QRS detection and automatic monitoring algorithms.
