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Abstract #2556

Three-Dimensional Visualization of Ultrasonically Induced Shear Waves for Elasticity Imaging

Steele D, Swanson S, Kripfgans O, Haworth K
The University of Michigan

Transient shear wave (TSW) elasticity imaging has shown considerable promise for understanding tissue mechanics and its relationship to disease. Compared to other elasticity imaging methods, TSW imaging may allow one to use a very simple wave-speed based reconstruction. To date, all TSW elasticity imaging has employed one- or two-dimensional (2D) reconstructions. However, three-dimensional (3D) TSW methods may offer more accuracy than 2D methods, as has been shown for static elasticity imaging. Here, we present a 3D visualization of ultrasonically induced shear displacements in a tissue-like phantom which may be used for 3D elasticity reconstruction.
