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Abstract #2558

MR Elastography Sequence Comparison: Standard PC MRE vs. Balanced Alternating Steady-State Elastography

Maderwald S, Ladd M, Stock F, Kraff O, de Greiff A, Bieri O, Scheffler K
University Hospital Essen

Many pathologies in soft tissues cause a change in the mechanical properties, and magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) offers a non-invasive diagnostic method to visualise these changes. A novel technique for visualization of propagating transverse acoustic shear waves, BASEL (balanced alternating steady-state elastography) is compared to a standard gradient echo MRE phase-contrast (PC) sequence. Tissue-like agarose gel phantoms and in vivo experiments were used for the comparison. Typical 2D wave images were produced with both sequence types and the LFE reconstruction technique provided similar average shear modulus results for both datasets. Among other benefits is the reduced acquisition time of BASEL.
