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Abstract #2947

Improving the accuracy of the chromophore reconstruction in diffuse optical tomography by using structural and functional-priors from MRI

Shafiiha R, Birgul O, Hamamura M, Chu Y, Nalcioglu O, Gulsen G, Unlu M
University of California, Irvine

One of the important goals of NIR breast imaging is accurate assessment of the total hemoglobin concentration and oxygen saturation in tissue. The results of this study demonstrate that applying structural and functional-priori from MRI can improve the accuracy of the chromophore reconstruction in optical tomography. We have constructed ethanol-based multi-modality phantoms to investigate the advantage of using functional-priors, specifically water concentration, from MRI to improve the accuracy of the chromophore reconstruction. The ethanol-based phantom provides a new platform for combined MR and optical imaging to assess the effect of water content on the accuracy of other chromophore concentrations.