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Abstract #2960

Sparse k-Space Sampling Strategies and Projection-Onto-Convex Sets Image Reconstruction for Improved Fast 3D Imaging

Peng H, Sabati M, Lauzon M, Frayne R
University of Calgary, Seaman Family MR Research Centre, Foothills Medical Centre, Calgary Health Region

One of the three-dimensional (3D) fast MR approaches is to completely sample the central region of the phase-encoding plane while sparsely sample its peripheral region, resulting in the formation of sparsely sampled k-space. For a given scan time, there exists a number of sampling strategies with different distribution patterns of acquired data (k-space). In this research it is shown that it is possible to choose a specific sparsely sampling strategy (k-space), from which POCS image reconstruction will generate the best image to depict high-resolution structures (e.g., small blood vessels). The resulting image quality was assessed by direct image visualization and local performance error.