Motonori Nagata1, Hajime Sakuma1, Nanaka Ishida1, Shingo Kato1, Hiroshi Nakajima2, Masaki Ishida1, Katsuya Onishi2, Masaaki Ito2, Kan Takeda1
1Radiology, Mie University hospital, Tsu, Mie, Japan; 2Cardiology, Mie University hospital, Tsu, Mie, Japan
Whole heart coronary MRA at 3T was acquired in 52 patients with suspected CAD as apart of comprehensive CMR study. After acquiring perfusion MRI and late gadolinium enhanced MRI, navigator-echo gated, 3D-TFE images were obtained with a patient-specific narrow acquisition window (57.9ms}26.8). Acquisition of MRA was successfully completed in all 52 patients, with averaged imaging time of 11.4 } 4.5 minutes. On a vessel based analysis, the sensitivity, specificity and NPV were 88%, 97% and 97%, respectively. 3.0 T coronary MRA performed as a part of comprehensive cardiac MR study is useful for ruling out significant CAD.