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Abstract #1813

Analysis of True 3D Cardiac Motion Using 3D Tagged MRI

Yu Shimizu1, Akira Amano1, Tetsuya Matsuda1

1Biomedical Engineering Lab., Dep. of Systems Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Quantitative estimates of the heart wall motion enable differentiation between normal and diseased heart. Current challenge is the capture of its three-dimensional deformation during the cardiac cycle. Tagged MRI offers a non-invasive methodology to set tags in three dimensions, but has lacked attention due to the complexity in the 3D-tagtracking task. Here, we evaluated a high-resolution 3Dtagged cardiac MRtime-series to demonstrate that 3D tags allow for detailed quantification of local cardiac motion and in specific inherently 3D characteristics such as volume and stress/strain change. The latter is expected to provide valuable clues to the still largely unknown myo-cardiac cell orientation.
