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Abstract #3005

A 16 Channel T/R Open-Faced Head Array for Humans at 9.4T.

Gregor Adriany1, Dinesh Deelchand1, Pierre-Gil Henry1, Jinfeng Tian1, John Thomas Vaughan1, Kamil Ugurbil1, Pierre-Francois van de Moortele1

1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN, USA

A 16 channel transmit/receive array based on decoupled transmission line elements for 9.4T is presented. The coils slim housing design along with shortened resonance elements in front of the eyes supports task presentation within a Head Gradient Coil. The coil consisted of eight channel upper and lower parts which can be used either in a half volume or in a whole head configuration. The circuitry layout of coil elements allows for decoupling independent of load. FDTD simulations are presented that explore the effect of the shortened transmission line elements on the achievable B1 and SAR.

