Scott Hanvey1, John Foster2, Martin Glegg1
1Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre,
Glasgow, UK; 2Glasgow Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Unit, Western
Infirmary, Glasgow, UK
Imaging head and neck patients in the radiotherapy treatment planning position
using MRI is desirable, since MR image registration with CT in different
positions introduces errors, which can potentially lead to inaccuracies in the
delineation of the target volume. Positioning patients in the treatment
position using immobilisation and a head rest is not generally possible in MRI
without incurring an unacceptable loss in image quality as immobilisation and
multi-channel head coils are not compatible. This study describes a method for
using immobilisation in MR while maintaining the diagnostic image quality
necessary for successful radiotherapy treatment planning.
Diffusion Acquisition & Processing