Derek G. Lohan1, Roya Saleh1, Steven Hsu1, Christopher Loh1, Stephen T. Kee1, Daniel Ennis1, Gerhard Laub1, J. Paul Finn1
1Radiology, David Geffen School of Medicine
at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Laser/radiofrequency thermal ablation has generated renewed enthusiasm
regarding imaging options for lower extremity varicose veins. Central to their
success is the assumption that pre-operative evaluation, using Doppler
sonography, provides a reliable anatomic and functional map of this complex,
variable vascular system. Such time-consuming cartography (often in excess of
60 minutes) places considerable demands upon both the technician and patient.
Failure of identification of even a single incompetent perforating vein may
result in recurrent varicosities. We describe an innovative, rapid though
morphologically and functionally informative dynamic MR technique capable of
challenging sonography as the reference standard for pre-operative varicose
vein imaging.