Jing Yuan1, Tzu-Cheng Chao2, Yi Tang1, Lawrence P. Panych3
1Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA; 2National Taiwan University, Taipei; 3Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School,, Boston, MA, USA
RFOV imaging was developed for SS-FSE sequence using 2DRF pulses to reduce echo train length (ETL) and scan time. High resolution, low SAR and less blurring can be achieved in RFOV images due to the shorter ETL. In this study, scan time and blurring reductions were demonstrated in phantom images with reduction factors from two to five. 2.5X higher resolution (320*320) RFOV brain images were achieved within an even shorter time compared to that required for low-resolution (128*128) full FOV images. Significant blurring reduction results were also compared to full FOV images with the same nominal resolution.