Omoumi1,2, Eric S. Diaz1, Jiang Du1,
Sheronda S. Statum1, Won C. Bae1, Graeme Bydder1,
Christine B. Chung1
1University of California, San Diego,
San Diego, CA, United States; 2Cliniques Universitaire St Luc,
Brussels, Belgium
calcifications are frequent and likely alter the normal biomechanics of the
meniscus. Although MR imaging is the non-invasive technique of choice for the
evaluation of meniscal pathology, it does not allow the facile visualization
of meniscal calcifications. This is due to a lack of contrast (both
calcifications and menisci have relatively short T2 relaxation times), and a
lack of saptial rsolution with standard clinical sequences. We describe
novel MR imaging techniques based on 2D-UTE inversion recovery and 3D-UTE
data acquisition to address these factors. We assessed the ability of these
sequences to allow the visualization, characterization and quantitative
evaluation of meniscal calcifications.